"Taemin!" Whispered by a rough, manly voice, behind Taemin. He looked to his left. His eyes widened.
"Hyung!" Taemin stood up and gave him a manly hug. BROMANCE! LOL.
Krystal stood up. A bit surprised by Minho hyung's presence. She literally blushed.
Sulli went outsie the rink and went toward them.
"What's going on?" Sulli asked. Watching the new guy beside Taemin.
"Ohh, Minho hyung, This is Sulli." Taemin introduced Sulli. Sulli and Minho shook their hands together.
"And this is Krystal. Krystal, this is Minho." When Krystal extended her hand to do a handshake, Minho took it and kissed her back of the palm
and winked. Which seriously made Krystal froze and blushed.
Taemin elbowed Minho. Minho mouthed What? Taemin just glared at him.
"This is Minho hyung. He's a year older than me. He's also one of my ice hockey members." Taemin introduced Minho to them. They all nodded. Sulli glanced at Krystal who
kept staring at Minho. Sulli giggled.
"Well, nice to meet you, Minho oppa. I think my friend here are wayyyyyyy glad to meet you." Sulli glanced at Krystal and whispered on the last
line that made both Sulli and Minho laughed.
Taemin and Krystal looked at them in confusion.
"What's so funny?" They both said at the same time that made Sulli and Minho laughed again. Then, Minho went next to Taemin and whispered something on his ears that apparently made Taemin blushed like crazy. And shooking his head as if he's denying something.
"Yah, Taemin-ah. What are you doing here?" Minho whispered to Taemin as they watched Sulli's practicing. Taemin blushed.
"Eh? Well, that..Umm.."
"You liked her, huh?" Minho asked Taemin who was turning to super pink!
"Ehh, no, hyung. Of-of course
no-not." Taemin stuttered as he looked at his shoes.
"Ah, come on, Taemin. I knew you for years now." Minho playfully punched Taemin shoulder. Taemin managed to pull a grin.
"I still don't know, hyung." Taemin said under his breath as he stared at Sulli who is now walking toward them with her ice skate shoes. Taemin looked at his watch, 8:30PM. Taemin lifted his eyebrow.
"Out early today?" Taemin said. Sulli looked at him.
"Change of plan. I have guests tonight." Sulli winked and left to pack
her stuff.
Guests? Who? Taemin thought. Minutes later, Sulli came back(with her sneakers
on) and a bag pack on her left shoulder.
"Well, let's go to the movie ! The last one gonna pay for it!" Sulli shouted as she and Krystal sprinted off out of the arena leaving the 2 boys confused. They both exchanged glances.
"You gonna pay for it, hyung~ Mehrong!" Taemin stick his tongue out and ran like his life depend on it.
"YAH! Not if I run faster!" Minho shouted.
"Yah, hyung. I thought you gonna go easy on me." Taemin pouted as he paid the bill of movie and the snacks.
"HAHA! That's what you get from underestimating your hyung!" Minho laughed as he, Sulli and Krystal went inside the cinema with the popcorns and soda. Leaving Taemin alone outside.
Taemin went inside as he sat next to Sulli. He saw
Minho and Krystal being lovey-dovey which was sick! Well, not that gross. They played around and tickled each other. Which leave Sulli and Taemin alone.
Awkward~ They both stayed quiet and eyed on the movie.
Sulli was drinking a soda meanwhile Taemin was eating some popcorns.
"You said you had guests tonight?" Taemin whispered to Sulli so that it doesn't disturb other people
. Actually it was only four of them, a couple making out at the back and a sleeping middle-aged guy in the
"Well, you guys are the guest. Plus, I got really uncomfortable when you stare like that." Sulli whispered back. And again. The awkward silence.
"Ermm, anyway, I'm not going to practice tomorrow. So, don't wait for me." Sulli broke the silence.
"Well, I got to do some stuff. I don't always spend all my time on skating, you know." Sulli said. Eventho, it's not true.
"Ahh. I'm so tired! Taemin-shi, thanks for the bill. HAHA.We will be going now!" Sulli said as she bowed to Minho and Taemin. The boys watched them as Sulli and Krystal disappeared in the crowd.
"Yah! You like her, don't you?!" Minho shouted as he playfully grabbed Taemin's neck by his arm.
"What? Of course no-not." Taemin said.
"Yah! Stop denying! I could see it written on your face!" Minho said.
"Just kidding!" Minho laughed.
"Let's go for a drink!"
"But, hyung." Taemin stopped walking.
"What?" Minho stopped walking too.
"We're underaged."
"Oh, right. I forgot." Minho and Taemin laughed together.
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